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Women's Wellness
Women have the same general health considerations as men as far as their ability to become diabetic, for instance, or catch cancers, skin diseases, migraines, etc.  In addition, women have unique health considerations to be concerned about such as regularity in their menstual cycles, excessive flow or pain during their periods, and breast cancer, whose cases are becoming more and more frequent with today's lifestyles.  Dr. Patton has a very high success record in locating the underlying cause of these conditions and removing it, allowing the patient's own body to overcome the disease, or in essence, cure itself from the inside out and reverse the disease naturally.  Remember, precise chiropractic is the only method of health care that actually reverse the original cause of chronic disease.  All pharmaceuticals are toxic to our bodies and do damage.  Drugs allow symptomatic relief only, often at a very high price to the body.  True cures must come from inside the body itself after the interruption to the normal body functions has been removed.

Chiropractic can help the ovaries, oviducts (tubes), uterus, cervix, vagina and related structures function better.  The relationship between the spinal column, reproductive (urogenital) system, nervous system, endocrine (hormonal) system and overall health is extensive.

Many women who initially visit a chiropractor for spinal problems are pleased to discover relief from menstrual and other gynecological condtions after their vertebral subluxations have been corrected.

Over half of the hysterectomies performed each year in the U. S. may be unnecessary.   After surgery, many women experience depression, loss of stamina, loss of sex drive and decreased sexual response, urinary incontinence, bowel problems, icy feet and toes, diminished sensation from the waist down, bone and joint pain, memory loss and other problems.   Few doctors warn their patients about the too-common aftereffects of hysterectomy.
Before any woman submits to this potentially damaging operation, if possible, she should explore non-surgical alternatives.  Of course, chiropractic care is necessary for any woman who has had a hysterectomy to ensure that her remaining internal organs function without nerve interference to better compensate for the organs that were removed.

Menopause is a normal physiological state, but some doctors consider it a disease.   Because of this attitude, women are often subjected to drug therapies, such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), that may have dangerous side effects, including breast cancer and heart problems.  It would thus be far better to first explore safer, more natural healing approaches when dealing with the symptons of menopause.

Pregnant women benefit from chiropractic care more than any other population group, benefits that can include the baby as well.

Because women undergo many structural and hormonal changes that affect the spine, nerves, joints, ligaments, connective tissues, center of gravity and stability.   The doctor of chiropractic can ensure that the spinal column, pelvis and related structures are balanced, moving easily and free of vertebral subluxations.  A gentle, drug-free approach to health for women to experience pregnancy at a greater level of comfort, health, vitality and the stresses of childbirth.

Spinal care can help the post-partum woman return to pre-pregnancy normalcy by balancing her spinal column, realigning her pelvic bones and removing vertebral subluxations.

Infants and Children
A spinal checkup could be one of the most important of your child's life!  Why? In addition to the stress of childbirth, the constant jumping, falling, running and bumping of a normal childhood often cause vertebral subluxatoins, with serious health consequences if uncorrected.

More parents are bringing their children to doctors of chiropractic for spinal checkups.  With a healthy spinal column, a child's body can better deal with the sore throats, ear infections, stomachaches, fevers, measles, mumps and the hundred-and-one other problems that often make up young life.  Without chiropractic care some children will live in continued sickness, condemned to a life of taking medicines and perhaps even surgery.
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